Worksheets for Science

In these Worksheets of Science you will find different questions to practice the topic named Infection in Kidneys. 

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The colour of kidneys is ____________.
(a) black (b) yellow (c)dark red
2.Kidneys are present on each side of the ___________.
(a) oesophagus (b) trachea (c) spine
3.The precipitation of ____________ acid causes kidneys stones.
(a) uric (b) lactic (c) ascorbic
4.Kidney stones cause problems in ____________.
(a) breathing (b) urination (c) vision
5.Kidney cysts are generally filled with ____________.
(a) blood (b) fluid (c) stones
6.Uremia is caused due to _____________ infection. 
(a) bacterial (b) viral (c) fungal (spell) 
7.Kidney failure is of ___________ types. 
(a) four (b) three (c) two
8.Kidneys filtration rate is known as ____________.
(a) G. F. R (b) M. F. R (c) A. F. R
9.____________ renal failure cannot be recovered. 
(a) acute (b) chronic (b) Both a and b
10.Too much of waste materials accumulated in the body are removed with the help of___________.
(a) dialysis (b) medication (c) none

Answers - 1.dark red 2.spine 3.uric 4.urination 6.bacterial 7.two 8.G.F.R 9.Chronic 10.dialysis

Fill in the blanks

1.The length of kidneys is __________cm.
2.Kidneys are present below the ____________.
3.Kidney stones consist of crystals of ____________ and __________.
4.Kidney stones cause _____________ in urine. 
5.Kidney cysts cause pain in the ___________ part of the stomach.
6.Due to uremia, the amount of _____________ increases in the blood. 
7.Acute renal failure occurs due to the loss of __________ and ________ from the body. 
8.Renal blood flow ___________ due to hemorrhage, cholera and diarrhea. 
9.In chronic renal failure, the ______________ mass gets destroyed. 
10.______________is done to treat advanced chronic failure. 

Answers - 1.10 2.diaphragm 3.salt, minerals 4.blood 5.upper 6.urea 7.blood, fluids 8.decreases 9.nephron 10.kidney transplantation

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 
 1.Kidneys are shaped like beans.
2.Kidneys are present on the front wall of the abdominal cavity. 
3.Kidney stones block the nephrons. 
4.Kidney stones cause frequent urination.
5.Kidney cysts are usually found on the surface of the kidneys. 
6.Uremia causes enlargement of cells.
7.The amount of urine increases in acute renal failure.
8.Pre-renal causes take place inside the kidneys. 
9.Due to the loss of blood and fluids from the body, blood becomes dilute.
10.Mercury and lead damages the kidneys. 

Answers - 1.True 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.True 6.False 7.False 8.False 9.False 10.True 
              Hope these Worksheets for Science would be quite helpful to you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any topic. 

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